The worst day of my life was when I got the news from the GP’s office that I have Hashimoto thyroiditis. The news struck as a meteorite and the quality of my life sunk like anything. I had inflammations throughout my body.
The Synthetic thyroid medications didn’t work at all, and my condition was getting bad to worse. The only advantage I had was the monumental “Reddit” community.
My First Interaction With Kats Botanicals
I found a support group related to my condition. I got interested in knowing that many of the Hashimoto patients have adopted a holistic approach for reducing the wearing symptoms. That approach was using Kats Botanicals products (CBD + Kratom).
I never knew these terminologies before and to be honest when I Googled; Kratom, I got scared by reading so many horror stories and controversies attached to this tree.
Although the recommendation was coming straight from the horse’s mouth, it was not enough for my satisfaction.
After reading tons of material available on the internet about Kratom and CBD Hemp oil, I was at least convinced that if obtained from a trusted seller. Both (Kratom and CBD) have properties of healing inflammations and improving the quality of life considerably.
Although I had got the references from the fellow Redditors about various sites that provide Kratom and CBD oil, I never trusted them blindly. One of the brand names that came up frequently was ” Kats Botanicals.”
So How I Trusted Kats Botanicals?
The Answer in one word is “Research.” I went to various forums and boards and read the threads on Kratom and CBD. The panels that helped me a lot in making up mind were ilovekratom, kratomguides, doublemherbals and
I have acknowledged the fact that many of the Kratom users were very experienced and knew the ins and outs of the industry.
Most contributors on the abovementioned threads had a positive outlook regarding Kats Botanical.
Why Have I Decided To Write A Review On Kats Botanicals?
From there started my one-and-a-half-year long friendship with Kats Botanical. Since then I have tried and tested Kat’s Kratom and CBD strains, and it has changed the portfolio of my Hashimoto thyroiditis.
I had a better quality of life, the energy levels are up, and round the clock, pains have vanished. I thought it was my obligation to share my experience with katsbotanicals so that it might help someone who needs an unbiased and personal review.
My reader might be in a battling situation like I was and desperately needs Kratom/CBD for an all-rounded approach.
Most of the reviews you find on the web are commercially based, written from the sales point of view but not this one. It’s not a third party review, it’s my personal story with Katsbotanicals. Let’s see what Kats Botanicals has to offer and what’s the hype?
I am going to dissect Kats Botanicals for your comfort, decision-making process, and neutrality.
1) Simplistic Website Interface
First things First, This online web-store was founded by Justin Kats in August 2017. He had adopted a holistic approach for specific health issues by using Kratom and other alternatives.
His online-store interface is straightforward to navigate. Unlike many other online stores where you might get lost during the browsing session.
Each product has separate menus, and literally, there is no confusion at all.
Let alone the Kratom quality; I just fell in love with the simplicity of the website. Everything is clear and concise, no headaches, no whirlpools to cross before you reach the desired product.
The FAQs section in the main menu is very well constructed and answers all the typical “first timers” questions.

2) Customer Service Department
The customer service of Katsbotanicals is amiable. They have the options of a direct phone call for queries and also the email service.
When I first decided to order Kratom and CBD gummies, the email response from their side was adequate and prompt.
3) Payment Methods
You can place your order by ACH and E-Checks. Currently, Visa has suspended its services for the Kratom sale and purchase, which is sad indeed.
The delivery speed of Katsbotanical was high when initially launched like 2 to 3 days maximum. But as their sales flow becomes more substantial due to their growing brand trust, nowadays the delivery might take up to 7 days.
4) Ethical Consumerism
One aspect of Kats Botanicals that struck me like a gush of fresh air is their Ethical practices. The internet teems with so many fake sellers, and it is a piece of cake for them to buy positive reviews and sell any contaminated green powder labeled as Kratom.
I still believed that all of the controversies attach with Kratom is because of such heartless people. They do not take the health of their customers as a priority.
Every botanical plant or herb needs proper procedures and filtering before consumption. Let alone the Kratom or CBD; we don’t even consume unwashed potatoes at our homes.
4) The REAL Difference
That is why Kats Botanicals are different. They believe that ethical selling practice is a primary pillar in their success. People only return to them because they trust them for their laboratory testing procedures.
KatsBotanicals is a member of American Kratom Association and strictly follows their “Good manufacturing program” or “GMP.” It has raised the bar for every legal Kratom seller.
Such high standard 3rd party laboratory procedures, test and verify every strain of Kratom for contamination, bacteria, viruses and different kinds of algae.
Katsbotanicals have selected Columbia food labs. They are the best in the business and more than 500 top companies, according to Fortune, are on their panel.
Kats Botanicals test Kratom strains mainly for:
- Salmonella
- Shigella
- Bacillus Cereus
- Pseudomonas
- E coli bacteria
- Heavy metals
Above described contaminants are not the end of the road as far as Lab testing is concerned. After the Lab testing the samples have also been checked for Quality indicators like:
- Standard plat count
- Coliforms
- Yeats and molds
I have not come across any other online web store having such State-of-the-art and rigorous testing standards.
Kats Botanicals Kratom Products
1) Sources And Variety
Kratom trees require a very typical environment and atmosphere for growth. They are native to Southeast Asia and nourishes in a hot and humid climate.
Deviation from the native climate requirements results in stunted growth. Katsbotanicals have their farms located in countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Thailand.
The farmers adopt strict harvesting standards for the growth of quality Kratom leaves. From there the Kratom strains get transported to the
Katsbotanicals Head office, where the rest of the testing and packaging processes takes place.
2) Harvesting Standards
The strict harvesting and agricultural practices ensure the presence of two main alkaloids responsible for producing health improving benefits.
These alkaloids are known as Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.
When you place your order, you will rest assured that your package has the right amount of these compounds specially 7-hydroxymitragynine, Being the most effective and powerful.
Variety Of Kratom At
The Store has a variety of Kratom strains in different forms like:
- Kratom powder
- Kratom Extract
- Stem and Veins
- Crushed Leaf Kratom
It is up to your convenience which forms, and strain suits you the best. You can read more about the variety of strains by visiting their site, if you ask for my personal opinion, I have found the following, three main strains that will suit the majority of the users.
1) Red Vein
Red vein Kratom among the most potent and effective one. It has helped me immensely by reducing pain and improving my REM sleep quality.

2) White Vein
The White vein Kratom helped me with fatigue, operated as a mood booster. My inflammations were out of the window in no time.

3) Green Vein
If you are starting out, I would suggest Green vein Kratom as it has a very mild effect and fewer sides. It will help in adjusting yourself with a new induction without any unwanted effects.

Kats Botanicals CBD Products
There are very few online stores, selling both Kratom and CBD of the same highest quality. KatsBotanicals is one of them.
As I have mentioned above that Kratom improved many of my Hashimoto’s symptoms, yet I was struggling with episodes of Anxiety and Skin issues such as Pruritus.
So I decided to give CBD hemp oil a try. The results were not bad at the least. My episodes of Anxiety have seen a sound reduction with an added benefit of elimination from constant itching issues.
The only problem is I have to time my Kratom and CBD use separately. As trying both at the same time is not supported by evidence and might cause sedative issues.
I have seen the following distinctive attributes in their CBD products. These characteristics are hard to find elsewhere.

Lab Testing By The Third Party
Kats botanicals have the services of Columbia food labs as a 3rd party testing facility.
ISO Certification
Columbia Food labs is an ISO certified company which means that they have set high standards and any impurities or unwanted compounds will show up on the test results.
The lab reports reveal that Kats botanical hemp oil is free of any GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) practices.
Extraction Method
Till date, the best way for the extraction of cannabidiol oil is the pressurized Carbon-di-oxide procedure.
The Pressurized CO2 is used for collecting Hemp oil from the plant and then preserved in a liquid state. Katsbotanicals have been using the CO2 extraction method since the very beginning.
Clearly Mentioned Ingredients
Katsbotanicals have mentioned the ingredients used in all kinds of CBD products. These Ingredients can be cross-checked from the lab reports. Transparency seems to be their priority. No hidden GMO practices!
Types Of CBD Products
If you open their drop-down menu, you will see the following in-demand CBD products:
- Oils
- Gummies
- Vape Oils
- Isolate
Full Spectrum Versus Isolate. What Is The Variance?
The CBD hemp oil and Isolate have been listed in two different categories. The researches have suggested that the primary difference between the two types is the THC percentage. Isolate is 99% pure cannabidiol free of all the other cannabinoids.
While Full spectrum as the name suggests has Cannabidiol (CBD) with all the other Cannabinoids including THC as well. For producing a stronger effect than the Isolate alone.
The CBD hemp oil mentioned on their menu includes the Full Spectrum oil.
The Only Negative Point I Have Witnessed So Far…
The CBD isolate, and full spectrum both derive from the industrial hemp plant as suggested by their website. The shortcoming is, they have not mentioned the amount or percentage of THC in their full spectrum CBD oil.
The THC concentrations should be less than 0.3% as per the legal status although the lab reports reveal that the THC content is indeed less than 0.3%, it should be written in the descriptive section of the website as well.
The Availability Of Lab Reports
The lab reports of CBD oil and both Kratom are available upon request. You have to Email katsbotanicals for the lab reports. In my opinion, the lab reports should be readily available on the website.
Katsbotanicals have set high criteria, and there is no reason, letting a few eyebrows raised.
I have always emailed them for the lab reports for Kratom and CBD and got a timely response. Below are some of the latest lab reports I have received upon request.
Residual Solvent Profile

Terpenes Profile

The Most Important Of All Cannabinoid Profile

You can see that the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) Content is less than the permitted 0.3%. I do not understand why they have not mentioned the lab reports on their web, as we can see that there is nothing wrong with them. These lab reports are exemplary proof of a professional standard.
What Is My Personal Experience With Kat’s CBD products?
I have tried katsbotanical full spectrum CBD Hemp oil. The primary reason is a desire to get rid of my round the clock anxiety due to my Hashimoto’s issues.
The Isolate form has weak properties as per my requirements. The extra THC content in the full spectrum helped me in getting proper focus without having any anxiety issues during office hours.
The price is very reasonable. I have received 500 mg bottle for just $34. I must say that this price is very fair compared to the gold standard of this bottle and the advantage it gave me during my professional life by improving concentration and clarity.
Key Specifications:
Product name: CBD Hemp oil
Price: $34.99
Strength: 500 mg
Flavor: Natural
Ingredients: MCT OIL (Carrying Oil), Pure CBD Hemp Oil Extract
Visible Improved symptoms: Less Anxiety, Improved focus, Mood stability, No more pruritus
Price Comparison With Other Mainstream Sellers
Product name | Kats botanicals | Premiumjane | Thecbdistillery |
CBD hemp oil | $34 for 500mg | $80 for 500mg | $45 for 500mg |
You can see from the chart mentioned above that Katsbotanicals products are not only high standard but extremely reasonably priced as well.
The Most Exclusive Feature Of KatsBotanicals
As you have seen that I have fluffed the internet in search of the best CBD sellers. I have seen many web stores, but one key feature of Kat’s Store is the effort he has put into the “Research” section. They have extensively well-crafted articles on Kratom and CBD.
These articles are not just a filler for the website but hold key information and neutral analysis of the CBD industry. It is worth noting that my firm grip on the Kratom Niche is attributed to the information provided on their website.
The blogs and articles are unbiased, they have mentioned about the legal status of the Kratom and CBD products in the United stated and haven’t tried to keep their reader in the dark just for the sake of marketing.
I hold them in the highest of regards as far as Ethical practices are concerned.
The Final Thoughts
Kats are known for their authentic and reliable brand image. They have gained rapid popularity in a short time; courtesy their highest quality standards and 3rd party testing procedures.
If you have been a victim of poor value from other stores, I would highly recommend using Kat’s products for once, and you will be categorically relishing the difference.
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