Many companies and brands are selling CBD products, but for this article, I will review the Hemplucid CBD products.
The reason to choose this brand for a review is primarily the variety of products they offer. There is a wide range of CBD products available at Hemplucid that includes tinctures, creams, wax, vapes, balms, and CBD for pets.
Secondly, the brand products are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) free, and the packaging of their products also grabbed my attention.
They have a reasonable quantity of the product – transparent bottles and packaging make the product quite visible, and one can see the color of the oil before purchasing.
Further, the bottles are made clear and transparent to show that they are producing the original CBD products. Therefore, I decided to review the Hemplucid to see whether they are worth purchasing or not.

About the Company
Hemplucid products are available online and at many local stores in the UK and USA.
The Hemplucid consists of a small group of Individuals who have discovered the benefits and wonders CBD a few years back.
People at Hemplucid believe is that it’s the cure for a wide range of diseases from which today’s world is suffering. This belief on CBD has committed the people at Hemplucid passionate and confident about their products.
The company sourced CBD from the hemp of Colorado and under strict supervision.
Three brand focus on ethical practices of manufacturing the CBD products and these include; robust quality control by experienced farmers, use of CO2 extraction method to ensure products stay natural and lastly, nanotechnology which provides faster absorption of the product.
Hemplucid’s source of hemp is believed to be the best genetically, and they thrive hard not to compromise the quality of the natural essence of the hemp plant and its purity.
The word Hemplucid, itself depicts the dedication of providing not only the best and purest form of hemp but offers an understanding of what products comprised of hemp can truly do to you.
The products at Hemplucid contain less than 0.3% of THC as this is the limit approved by the government.
Before reviewing this brand, certain factors taken into consideration, which is as follows:
The Concentration of CBD in Products
It is essential to know the percentage of CBD in a bottle before purchase. You can find it on the bottle or the outer packaging. The concentration is reviewed for Hemplucid products to know the quantity of CBD and its effectiveness.
The CBD products at Hemplucid are available with different concentration of CBD inside, depending on your requirement.
The concentration of CBD in tinctures (30ml bottle) is 250mg, 500mg, 1000mg, 1500 mg and 2000 mg. In Isoterp Kalki (30ml bottle) it ranges from 150mg to 1500mg, while in gummies and capsules concentration is between 250mg – 750mg.
Ethical Consumerism or Organic Farming
Nowadays, every other brand claim that they are involved in organic farming, but that’s not true in many cases. To find out how ethical this brand is, we pick the actual user reviews.
The company is using a natural source of ingredients to produce CBD oil products. You will find the CoAs on every individual product page.
Type of Ingredients Used In CBD Products
Hemplucid CBD ingredients are mostly naturally preserved and are organic. Some common ingredients found in Hemplucid’s products are hemp seed oil, glycerin, water, CBD oil, terpenes, etc. while they use polysorbates in their creams and gels.
Source of CBD
It is significant to know from which state or part of the country the CBD is extracted for the production of oils and other products. The company is acquiring ingredients from the GMP-Certified facilities based in Colorado.
Key Products That Gained My Attention
At Hemplucid, one can acquire a vast array of CBD products for both humans and pets. Interestingly on their website, you can find a range of apparels as well. However, some products gained my attention more than others, so I am going to discuss those products in detail.
Whole plant hemp extracts water-soluble
This product comes under the range of tinctures that Hemplucid offers. It is a full spectrum product produced by using Nanotechnology to increase its bioavailability and can be quickly dissolved into the bloodstream.
Due to Nanotechnology, CBD particles become microscopically small, and they instantly get dissolved in the blood; consequently, no CBD particles are flushed out of the human body throughout the day.
The concentration of CBD varies from 250mg to 1500mg in a 30ml bottle of the product. The price range is between $39.9 and $169.9 depending on the level of the CBD in a bottle. Other ingredients used in this tincture include vegetable glycerin which easily dissolves in water.
Like all other tincture, this can be placed under the tongue or can be taken with a drink or as a vaporizer. The taste is sweet, and the dosage of these tinctures varies from person to person. If you are using it for the first time, experts recommend starting from a small dosage and then increase slowly and gradually.
Hemp seed oil tincture
This is another product that has gained my attention, and as the name suggests, it is also part of their tinctures.
Hemplucid’s Hemp Seed Oil combines whole-plant, hemp-derived CBD carried in ultra-nutritious hemp seed oil.
It has Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids in the ration of 3:1. These are essential for the absorption of fats and as CBDs are fat-soluble. Therefore, when combined with hemp seed oil generate the most impressive results and provides reliable and long-lasting results.
The oil is also terpene rich, natural, and purified.
The ingredients of this tincture are active for the treatment of hormonal imbalance. It is an excellent source of proteins and amino acids, which helps in digestion and cure heart issues.
This tincture considered as “superfood,” which means it gets dissolved in the bloodstream quickly and provides healthy fats to the body.
The hemp seed oil tincture is also available in 30 ml bottle and with different concentration of CBD ranging from 250mg to 2000mg. The price of this product varies from $46.95 to $199.95 depending on the level of CBD in a product.
This product is ideal to use with cold foods such as salads or smoothies, or it can be administered sublingually. As compared to the water-soluble hemp extract discussed above, this one takes time, and it becomes active after one hour of consumption.
Isoterp CBD-Kalki
There are different products under the Isoterp banner. The company Kalki products are free from THC, and these are good for athletes and sports.
According to the company, the products in the range are extracted in a way that the essence of terpenes remains there while removing the THC element. Two products under this range that gained my attention are:

1) THC free Isoterp CBD in MCT Oil:
It is an isolated CBD product and mixed with (medium-chain triglycerides) MCT. MCT has vitamins and minerals and other health-promoting properties.
When MCT and CBD mixed with hemp and terpenes, it increases the richness and health benefits of the product. These products are created exclusively for the athletes and are THC free.
The company claims that after removing THC from the CBD, terpenes are added again to keep the richness of the product intact.
This product is also available in different concentrations, 250mg to 1500mg of CBD, and the price range is from $29.95 to $99.95 depending on the size. This product cannot be taken as a vaporizer but only under the tongue.
2) THC free Isoterp CBD Gummies:
As the company offers a variety of products to its customers, these edible gummies also included in their range of products. Kalki THC free edible gummies are produced using Isoterp technologies. In this technology all the product is extracted from the plant and THC is removed while re-infusing the terpenes. This Isoterp technology enhances the benefits of the product.
This product contains a range of terpenes in it which are known to provide the best therapeutic benefits. These edible gummies can be used for pain relieving, as an anti-inflammatory agent, releases stress and anxiety.
These edible gummies are available for $74.95- $99.95 in a 30-count bottle having 15 mg and 25 mg CBD strength per gummy. The effect of these gummies is long lasting, but they act slowly.
These are the few products that captured my attention among all other products. I am sure other products including oils vapes, lip balms, waxes, creams, and products for pets are also as effective as company claims.
What Does Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum and Isolated CBD Means?
There are three types of CBD products available in the market (full spectrum, broad spectrum, and Isolated CBDs). Understanding the difference between these three types is very important. Before purchasing a CBD product, it is essential first to figure out which spectrum of CBD is used in a product. The difference between the three spectra is explained in detail below:
CBD Isolates
CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD as it netted by removing all other compounds found in the plant including terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids. CBD Isolate is usually extracted from the Hemp plant as it has a shallow concentration of THC in it. As it is the purest form of the CBD, it has no psychoactive effects, tasteless and generally considered safe to use.
CBD Full Spectrum
Full spectrum CBD contains all the elements and compounds that are naturally present in a CBD, including terpenes, flavonoids, and all the cannabinoids.
This spectrum is famous for producing “entourage effect,” which means, the presence of terpenes and many cannabinoids enhance the therapeutic effect of the products.
Full spectrum CBD has gained importance after the experts declare these more effective as compared to the CBD isolates.
CBD Broad Spectrum
The broad-spectrum CBDs are a mixture of CBD isolate and full spectrum CBD. Like full spectrum CBD, it has all the elements including terpenes and cannabinoids, but there is no THC just like CBD isolates.
As broad-spectrum CBD products contain no THC, therefore, its “entourage effects” is multiplied with no psychoactive effects.
The Hemplucid offers products which are produced using full spectrum CBD.
Therefore, the entourage effect will be quite useful in its products, but there are chances of THC showing up in the blood test despite all the claims of the company.
However, the products of Hemplucid extracted from the hemp plant has very low or no THC, therefore, the products will not show any psychoactive effects.
Secondly, Hemplucid offer CBD isolates as well in the form of Kalki products where they mention these products are “THC free.”
So, at Hemplucid, you can get both full spectrum products as well as Isolated CBD.

How To Use This CBD oil?
The company has provided directions on their bottles how to use these CBD oils, tinctures, capsules, gels, and creams.
However, for the oils, three ways are commonly prescribed on the website, and these can be mixed with a drink, vaporized, or sublingually administered.
Some products are strictly administered sublingually (for best results it is essential to hold the drops under the tongue for approx. 60 seconds), while others can be taken with drinks and smoothies or vaporized.
The daily dose of the product varies from person to person, but the company suggests starting from a minimal dose and then increase the dosage slowly and gradually. Most of the products have mild hemp taste and odor of hemp as well.
The company offers a broad range of products including oils, gels, vapes, waxes, and additionally provides products for pets. The company has strict quality control and use modern technologies for extraction and production of products.
Last, not least, the company offers 30 days of customer satisfaction guarantee for its products.
The website has no “About us” section which is somehow not appealing as the customers would like to know about the founders of the company, its origin, etc. secondly, the information regarding the Kalki products is insufficient on the website therefore, and company should include more information about these products.
Another issue is the use of polysorbates -80 and -60 in CBD drip and Cream respectively. These chemicals are not considered safe and have specific health risks.
Where Can I Buy Hemplucid CBD Products?
All the products of Hemplucid are easily available at the stores in the UK and USA. While the company also offers online purchase, one can scroll through the website and shop online. You can also call on their helpline and get help and guidance from the customer representatives.
Final Thoughts
Hemplucid is working efficiently to persuade the customers; it is not only bringing in customers but also assure their customers that what they are purchasing is worth it.
The detailed description of products, the lab tests, and certifications on their website educate their customers beyond a shadow of a doubt.
This company offers an array of products and use powerful technologies to ensure the purity and transparency of the products.
After reviewing the CBD brand Hemplucid, I conclude that the products prepared by this company are natural and Organic.
The company educates its customers about the products.
All the ambiguities have addressed on their website in FAQs or customers can call them and ask in detail about the products and purchase. However, there are sure cons mentioned above, but these can be addressed in the shorter or longer run by the company.