Grassroots Harvest Kratom
Online Shopping Store
Email: info@grassrootsharvest.com
Website: https://grhkratom.com/
Payment Options: Credit Card, e-Check, Zelle, Crypto
Grassroots Harvest Kratom is a new vendor in the market. The vendor is based in the States in Texas, Houston. The website is very appealing and straightforward. But more important questions need to be considered.
These questions may be concerning the quality of the products, shipping, the packaging, the safety in consuming these products. Prices are also another important aspect that needs to be considered. This article will focus on these and many other questions. It will help one in determining whether they should opt for this vendor or not.
Key Features Of Grassroots Harvest Kratom
1) Different Forms Of Kratom Offered By Grassroots Harvest Kratom
The vendor offers Kratom in two main forms; capsules and powder. This aspect is appealing as many customers don’t enjoy the traditional choice (powder) for various reasons. The focus shall now be on quantity. For capsules, the customers have the following choices: 4, 25, 100, 500, and 1000 grams.
For the powder form, customers have the following options: 45, 100, 500, and 1000 grams. The fact that there are so many options available reflects very positively on the vendor and also attracts consumers. It caters to both beginners and experienced users.
2) Different Strains Offered By Grassroots Harvest Kratom
The vendors offer their customers the following options: Green Vein, Red Vein, White Vein, Yellow Vein, Borneo, Hulu, Maeng Da Kratom, Papua, Bali, Sumatra, and Thai, etc. This aspect reflects very positively on the vendor as it caters to all preferences and tastes.
3) Quality Of The Products Overall
The quality of the products seems to be top-notch. The brand generally has very positive reviews about all products. This shows that the products were successful in bringing about the targeted aims and effects.
Moreover, the fact that the vendor itself is so committed proves that the products are of high-quality. It deals directly with a farm in Indonesia and ensures that no further additions are made during harvesting and processing of the products.
However, the quality of the products can be doubted from the fact that no lab tests have been provided by the vendor. The brand is also new to the market; hence, a decision with regards to important things like quality cannot be made so quickly.
There are also hardly any reviews on social media or general blogs that would give an objective and third party review of the brand concerning quality.
4) Are The Products Lab Tested & Is There GMP Compliance?
Grassroots Harvest has not disclosed anything with regards to lab tests. And although the vendor claims to practice good production methods, nothing with regards to GMP compliance has been revealed. This factor may deter customers from buying from Grassroots Harvest.
5) Packaging Quality Of The Products
The packaging of the products is very simple and attractive with appealing colors. Both plastic and tin cans are used to protect the product. This type of packaging allows the product to be easily shipped and protects it from contamination.
6) Shipping
Shipping is done either through USPS OR UPS. Not much has been disclosed about shipping. What is known is that there is usual standard delivery time and the cost is around 3 USD.
7) Alternatives Of Kratom Offered By Grassroots Harvest Kratom
The main alternative offered is CBD products. It must be noted that the relevant products are available on a completely different site. There are many forms, such as tinctures, capsules, and edibles.
Pricing Of Products Charged By Grassroots Harvest Kratom
The pricing products will be mentioned according to the forms offered. For the capsules form, the prices range between 3 USD – 250 USD. The prices for the powder form range between 22 USD – 110 USD. To determine whether the prices are reasonable or not, we must compare them to competitors’ pricing.
The product of Maeng Da Kratom in Red Vein, in the powder form and the quantity of 100 grams is priced at 35 USD. The same product in the quantity of 4 ounces is priced around 50 USD.
While there may be some small differences when it comes to quantity, one can still conclude that the prices of Grassroots Harvest Kratom are reasonable considering all circumstances.
The Most Popular Strains Of Grassroots Harvest Kratom
One of the well-known products of Grassroots Harvest Kratom is the Sumatra strain products. This strain helps the user achieve a sense of peace and calm. It makes the user relaxed and lowers anxiety and stress levels. It not only helps with pain relief, it even increases physical and mental energy.
Another famous strain offered by Grassroots Harvest Kratom is the Hulu strain. This strain, like the one mentioned above, also helps the user with improved mental cognition. It also eases the user and is ideal for pain and stress relief.
Is Grassroots Harvest Kratom Active On Social Media?
Grassroots Harvest Kratom has accounts on three major social media platforms, which are; Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. It is active on all these platforms, which is good considering the same cannot be said for so many vendors, However, it is yet to be seen whether they will continue this active status as they are fairly new to the market.
The brand also provides the customers with the option of subscribing to the newsletter. These aspects are great as it allows the brand to remain in touch with their customers. Through these platforms, they can inform the market of new products or promotions.
Does Grassroots Harvest Kratom Indulge Any Unfair Business Practices?
On the face of it, no. It seems committed to transparency and has disclosed many details like farming methods, etc. They even have a blog that is committed to educating people about Kratom.
However, there may be a legitimate concern that Grassroots Harvest is making false medical claims. They have given out details of Kratom and its effects on its “FAQ” link and also on their products pages. They even have a quiz section wherein customers are recommended strains to buy. Some might say that even the information posted on blogs may amount to making medical claims.
But this can be doubted. The information presented on the products page is very brief and is merely given for guidance and introductory purposes. The information on the FAQ link and the blog is very general and is not specific. The vendor has also highlighted that the FDA has not evaluated its site. Furthermore, they have relieved themselves of any liability on their Terms and Condition page. Hence, they can’t be held accountable for any claims.
Shortcomings Of Grassroots Harvest Kratom
Grassroots Harvest only offers Kratom in two forms. Granted, those forms are the most popular choices, but many customers prefer other forms. These other forms may be extracts, tinctures, and shots, etc. It also reflects very positively on the vendor if it offers Kratom in different strengths. Grassroots Harvest, however, does not offer that.
The vendor has not conducted any lab tests. This is seriously concerning, especially considering the warnings issued by the FDA with regards to the consumption of Kratom. These cautions were due to contamination of Kratom with bacteria, Salmonella, and heavy metal poisoning. It also sets a very suspicious standard and deters customers from dealing with the vendor.
This factor is made worse by the consideration that there is no GMP compliance as well. Even the presence of one would have offered customers some sort of security when consuming the products. One can also say that as a result, maybe the quality of the products is not of a high-quality.
The customers are not given any options when it comes to shipping. Some customers may want the product to be delivered within one day. And because these kinds of options are not available, they may choose some other vendor. Additionally, there are options when it comes to international shipping. However, the order does not process fully for international customers.
Some might say that the return policy of Grassroots Harvest may be strict. The vendor only allows returns for unopened products. Partial refunds may also be accepted but under very exceptional standards.
The main shortcoming is the fact that the vendor is new to the market. It has not been present in the market and has not cultivated a reputation that could be relied upon. There are also hardly any objective reviews of the vendor on social media or any blogs, etc.
There are many positive aspects of Grassroots Harvest Kratom. And the shortcomings may be few, but they are important. The brand is new to the market and how it will progress is not known to anyone. It cannot be ignored, however, that the Grassroots Harvest Kratom does show promise.