Diamond CBD Overview
CBD is a naturally-occurring component of Hemp that is well-known for many medicinal aids. The primary benefit is that it doesn’t cause any psychotropic effects.
Diamond CBD is the company that provides you with a wide range of products if you want to consume CBD.
With the growing competition in this market, it is necessary to escape from the frauds. According to the designated allowance of FDA, only 0.3% THC can be present in Hemp. THC is Tetrahydrocannabinol – it is the main compound that causes disturbing psychomotor effects.
With the assurance of massive quantity of their products, it is likewise essential to ensure the quality. They claim to produce quality, GMO-free products. There is also a strict check over the finished products and raw materials.
What Do They Offer?
It is a focused and innovative platform that is providing high-quality CBD to the users. Their team consists of professionals who aim to create the best products. A very keen control is present for the items and quality is guaranteed here.
They offer a variety of different products. These products are so-designed that anyone can consume them via any administrative choice. It is not where this ends. Their collection expands and covers the necessities of animals as well.
Diamond CBD is currently selling three different types of CBD, including Full-spectrum CBD, CBD isolate and active CBD.
Full-spectrum CBD comes with Hemp cannabinoids and trace quantities of THC.
CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD that is isolated up t 99.8% from the plant. Active CBD; however, is made after heating the raw form till the point that the Acid burns off and leaves pure CBD behind.
All the products come with maximal thought given to potency-management and ease of usage. The careful monitoring, therefore ensures the products and 100% natural at any point of their process, sparing any harmful additives.
Key Products: Flavored and unflavored full spectrum CBD oil, CBD vapor liquids, oils, refills, CBD honey sticks and pots, CBD gummies + softgels.
CBD Type: Full spectrum + 0.3% of less THC
Extraction Method: CO2
Payment Methods: Visa and MasterCard
Shipping: UPS 2 Day Flat Rate: $9.99
Wholesale Option: Yes
Source of Hemp & CBD Extraction Method
The organic and GMO-free reap farms of Diamond CBD are the optimal concern. These farms are in Kentucky, Scandinavia and Colorado. The soils are chosen to provide an ideal environment to grow Hemp. The harvesting and drying process also considered. These processes are under strict observance and care.
The next step involves a thorough quality check of the raw materials. In this way, the content found to be unfit for further processing will get removed. A supercritical CO2 extraction follows the earlier step. It is a gentle way of extracting CBD from Hemp without distorting any molecules.
The last step is the lab test. It is a guarantee that the extracted CBD is free of all the added substances that are not present under the quality criteria.
How Cooperative Are They?
Every customer is attracted to a platform that offers the assurance and ease of purchase. Similarly, Diamond CBD has created a site that is easy-to-operate and indulge-in, as well. You might get confused when you first look into their website, slowly and gradually, it all gets clear.
Different sections cover most of your concerns and queries. For instance, an ‘About’ section includes the details of CBD and the company. There is a blog section that can indulge you for hours with the creative content being presented there.
The products are arranged in a very understandable manner, and there are added filters to reach the desired item instantly. There is a ‘Blowout Sale’ section with amazing offers so that you can use the same some pennies too. There is always an option to switch between the subsidiary brands from the ‘Brands’ section.
Diamond CBD Products Line
As mentioned above, they have a vast range of products and to test all of them was hard for us. The much we have examined are the top-selling ones. Some of them are given below:
CBD gummies
Who doesn’t love Gummy bears? These are one of the best-selling items at Diamond CBD. They come in a pack of 6 and differ in potencies. It entirely depends on the potency you select and the flavour you like.
For instance, if you choose a 30mg pack of 5, each gummy will contain 6mg of CBD. It gives you a rough idea of how much CBD is product delivering. Based on your prescription and flavour of interest, you can go for whichever gummy you like.
CBD Vapes
The company doesn’t only keep vape pens. The alternative to pens are the tanks. A battery is attached to the vape tank to make it work. The CBD oil comes filled in the tank waiting to be connected to the batteries.
The best part about these is the re-filling option. You can re-fill as many times you want without ceasing your usage. The oils differ in quantity and potencies. You can select them based on your requirement and have a fun experience with it.
CBD Oils
The company doesn’t only keep vape pens. The alternative to pens are the tanks. A battery is attached to the vape tank to make it work. The CBD oil comes filled in the tank waiting to be connected to the batteries.
The best part about these is the re-filling option. You can re-fill as many times you want without ceasing your usage. The oils differ in quantity and potencies. You can select them based on your requirement and have a fun experience with it.
CBD Dabs
These are the CBD isolates (the purest form of CBD). They come in various labels; the salt-like powders (crystals), crumbles and rocks. They all are in a clear dabbing consistency. It is easy to use them with a dabbing rig.
You can then inhale it while it is vaporizing. There are different ways to do it. You can either use a nail or a vape pen. If you have headache or migraine issues, ask a professional for their suitability. The best part of this form is the ease of usage. You can sprinkle it on top of your food and enjoy it afterwards.
The most ideal way of finding accurate prices is the site, however some are listed below for convenience. However, you are suggested to check the site for sales and changes in the prices, constantly.
CBD Gummies
- CBD infused watermelon slices: $9.99 (75 mg)
- CBD infused gummy worms: $9.99 (75 mg)
- CBD infused gummy bears: $9.99 (75 mg)
CBD Vapes
- CBD vape additive: $14.99 (1ml)
- CBD vape additive: $89.99 (12ml)
- CBD vape additive: $119.99 (16ml)
CBD Oils
- Unflavored/ flavored CBD oil: $89.99 (550mg)
- Unflavored/ flavored CBD oil: $169.99 (1000mg)
- Unflavored/ flavored CBD oil: $219.99 (1500mg)
CBD Dabs
- CBD crystal crumble dabs: £54.99 (600mg)
- CBD crystal dabs: £24.99 (250 mg)
What do the third-party lab results show?
It is vital to building a trustful relationship with consumers. Third-parties retest the results and quality of CBD lab reports. These parties perform unbiased tests to figure out the quality of CBD that they deliver to the customers.
The results of all the lab reports are present here. Different tests have been taken out to determine the constitution of various components of the CBD provided here. These third-party results authenticate their claims of providing the most authentic products to the users.
Diamond CBD Pet Care
Diamond CBD has a section that is just for pets. You can choose the different products with various flavours and potencies from that section. Every product is designed to meet the requirements and taste selection of your pets. Most potencies are selected based on the weight of the animal.
Pros of Diamond CBD
- 15-day return policy
- High and accurately-measured CBD content
- Guarantee for natural ingredients
- Batch lab tests on the site
- Vast variety of products
Cons of Diamond CBD
- International shipping is not provided
- Prices are relatively high
- Too many CBD products will definitely confuse the beginner
Do they offer value for money?
The main concern for any brand is in terms of its cost-effectiveness. It is necessary to figure out their contributions to society and their role in betterment. It distinguishes them from the brands that are only focusing on money-making.
Concerning Diamond CBD, it is safe to say that they are cost-effective. They don’t focus on extra pennies, but to provide genuine items in the best money. It makes them differ from the brands that only focus on ratings and money-making. Unlike those, Diamond CBD doesn’t ignore the necessity of making this tiny contribution to society from their part.
Final Thoughts
Diamond CBD is one of the lead contributors to the cannabinol revolution. The vast majority of products make it easy for the user to choose and adapt to the type, quickly. Certain factors are overlooked by the creators, including shipping and pricing.
Overall, the quality and satisfaction that comes with their products and management are supreme. Diamond CBD claims to produce items that are better than the competition, in the market. However, it fails to provide any satisfactory comparisons and lab results.
It is the only step that needs considerations. Once considered, it can place Diamond CBD at the top of the best companies in this niche.
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