Since natural alternatives and organic substances have gained popularity in the west, we see a mushroom-like growth in the online and local vendors. In the United Kingdom and other European countries, the laws for cannabis use are strict compared to the United States.
For a few years, there has been some relaxation in the regulations. Still, even so, the European countries are more conservative when experimenting or relying on natural alternatives!
In 2020, marijuana is illegal, and CBD products are allowed for medicinal purposes only. Cannabis seeds are a different story!
Cannabis Is Illegal In The UK, But What About Cannabis Seeds?
Gradually the strict laws are changing as we see some flexibility in the allowance of medicinal Cannabis. The UK remains one of the biggest exporters of medicinal Cannabis, although the kingdom’s people are not allowed to use or possess marijuana.
However, CBD products are available for medicinal use in the main cities, and if you are located in a town or a smaller station, online orders work all over the country.
If you live in the United Kingdom and want to buy cannabis seeds, your area’s laws are not always clear. You would like to know whether it is legal to purchase cannabis seeds from a few local vendors or order online.
Well, the answer to this original query is that yes! You can order cannabis seeds online, or you can buy them at a local shop. For all cannabis enthusiasts in the UK, we have gathered all information here so that you know all about cannabis purchase, sale, and possession.
A few years back, Cannabis was illegal in the UK, but now the law is changing. Medicinal Cannabis or CBD products were legalized in 2018, and you can find CBD oils and other products in the market now.
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MRHA) classified CBD as a medicine. This was based on the condition that CBD products would not have more than 0.2% THC.
The History Of Cannabis In The UK, Present-Day Status
In 1971, Cannabis was declared illegal in the UK. The Misuse of Drugs Act altogether banned this substance in the country. Even today, possession or use of Cannabis is prohibited, as it is classified as a Class B drug.
In 2018, medicinal CBD was allowed, and in 2019 cannabis laws were again reviewed but not revised. The rule for recreational use of CBD or Cannabis and the marijuana plant is still strict, although some areas have relaxed. Doctors are allowed to prescribe CBD products with less than 0.2% THC to patients in need.
The laws for medicinal CBD were revised due to the high-profile cases of two male patients suffering from childhood epilepsy. Since CBD has proved to be a beneficial substance for epilepsy, the law allowed medicinal CBD to overcome health issues.
Up till today, cannabis possession, trade, and consumption are offensive, but cannabis seeds are allowed! So if you are looking for cannabis seeds in the UK, you can find many local vendors and online shops.
The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store offers worldwide shipping with guaranteed delivery, credit/debit card payments, cash, bank transfer, and BTC.
The Punishment For Possession or Trade Of Cannabis Plant
Like amphetamines, codeine, and barbiturates, cannabis possession is penalized in the UK. Adults carrying Cannabis can be fined, and even if they don’t own it, they receive a warning for what they carry.
Moreover, if the possessor is below 18 years of age, the police inform the possessor’s parents or guardians.
Industrial Hemp In The UK
It is allowed to cultivate hemp plants in the kingdom only if you have a license. The costly license restricts many small business owners and does not encourage recreational use.
However, the limited industrial hemp cultivation is for providing CBD products to patients who are in dire need. Every patient cannot use CBD products for their health unless a doctor prescribes them.

Cannabis Seeds: Illegal or legal?
Cannabis seeds occupy an ambiguous state within UK law. While the goal of cannabis seeds is always to turn into a marijuana plant, there is no certainty that buyers will be cultivating the plant later on. Therefore, cannabis seeds are legal, while growing marijuana is illegal.
The seeds are a rich source of amino acids and other nutrients, making them an excellent food supplement.
Moreover, the seeds do not have the ‘high’ effect that marijuana has on users if it contains THC in high quantities. This effect of seeds and the nutritional value makes cannabis seeds legal in the UK and other European countries.
The law About Marijuana Plants In 2020
In the UK, cannabis seeds are legal, while marijuana plant cultivation and use are illegal. This results in local vendors and online shops to sell cannabis seeds openly, and the best news is that all is approved!
The best quality of seeds is found in the UK market so that people can feel the goodness of nature without the ordeal of searching for a reliable seller. However, the germination of these seeds is illegal and punishable by law.
The selling and purchase of cannabis plants is an offence in the UK. This act is considered highly dangerous with severe punishments, primarily if a manufacturer or cultivator traffics large amounts of cannabis plants.
The Verdict
The laws for cannabis, marijuana, and hemp plant are very strict in the UK. You cannot buy, sell, grow, or use cannabis as it is a punishable offence. However, since the last two years, medicinal CBD is allowed upon a doctor’s prescription.
Cannabis seeds are allowed in the country as they have great nutritional value. However, the germination of these seeds is also illegal. If you want to buy cannabis seeds in the UK, several local vendors and online shops can deliver quality cannabis seeds.